Product Strategy Document

Product Strategy Document

A Product Strategy Document is one of my personal favourite shortcuts for clarity and alignment.It helps me organize my thoughts and set a plan.It helps the team have a north star to work towardsAnd serves as visibility for the rest of the organization to have a...

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Don’t get Stuck Planning

Don’t get Stuck Planning

I was on a call with a Head of Product who put together a Roadmap and was trying to define the granular detail of every single item. Every single one of them. No wonder he looked exhausted! That’s a monumental task. Not only is it a ton of work to undertake in the...

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The Importance of Roadmaps in Product Management

The Importance of Roadmaps in Product Management

As a product manager in the early stages of a product, you are responsible for building something that won't be launched for a minimum of X months. This can be a daunting task, especially when there are so many moving parts and stakeholders involved. That's where a...

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When do you stop considering your Product an MVP?

When do you stop considering your Product an MVP?

What Does it Mean to Consider a Product an MVP? As a product manager, I'm always thinking about how to ensure the success of the products I'm responsible for. One concept that is particularly important to me is the MVP, or Minimum Viable Product. But what does it...

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Why having a product slide deck is crucial for an MVP

Why having a product slide deck is crucial for an MVP

In the early stages of a Product, you usually spend some time working and building an MVP in private with no public releases until the basics are in place. However, Startups often tend to scope overloaded MVPs instead of building only essential features and start...

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5 things every PM should know

5 things every PM should know

As a Product Manager, you're an integral part of the business. You're responsible for building products and putting together a great team. You need to know how to impact the business and use data. What does all of this mean? Well, let's break it down: 1. How to build...

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National Unsubscribe day

National Unsubscribe day

Happy National Unsubscribe day ✌️ #blackFriday Today we receive 7354 emails. 80% of which are useless or from companies you haven’t heard of in ages. It’s time to press that “Unsubscribe” link and move on. Enjoy your clean mailbox.

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How to come up with content ideas

How to come up with content ideas

Introduction You know the feeling. You want to write the content for your blog, but you have no idea what to write about. This is a problem that many of us face on a regular basis. Fortunately, there are ways to come up with ideas for writing blog posts without having...

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Human vs. AI

Human vs. AI

In the coming few years the real important skill to have will be knowing how to define Strategy (and deal with people?). Most other things will be automated and commoditised. Writing, coding, ads, designing … all will have very good software alternatives. Of course...

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Frame of mind to prioritize a redesign

Frame of mind to prioritize a redesign

A redesign is a perfect exercise to rethink parts of the experience:- what does not feel right;- what's off-brand;- what could respond better;- all those micro-interactions (which never get to be prioritised); The challenge at early-stage is how much effort to put...

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Growth for Ferry

Growth for Ferry

(Ferry is one of my clients in the EV space) Use of Electric Vehicles is still very low… And Ferry is determined to change that by helping more people drive an EV this year! ⚡️🚗🛵 The first few deliveries have been quite thrilling and they...

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Murphy’s law

Murphy’s law

This Murphy guy must have been really fun to be around!! 😅 In any Product launch we always expect Murphy’s First law to be true at some point… When it doesn’t? it still not a calm situation because of Law 5 🤷🏻‍♂️ So yeah,...

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Get a free consultation

Sometimes you're too close to your product to see where you're being too vague... or too technical... or just not clear. That's when you need someone to show you how you can be clearer and see new opportunities for growth. If this sounds like you, I've just opened my...

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Proper grammar

By now you might have noticed that I’m not a big fan of proper grammar, sentence structure and big words. That’s because I deliberately write as I talk. And I try to write everything in this way. ... that’s why you’ll never get an email from me starting with “Dear...

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Just write it down

I get asked all the time about the best way to share content when you don't know what to speak about. My current opinion: Just write stuff down even if privately and if you end up deleting 80% of it. The process of writing it down exercises your brain to think like a...

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Knowing more about people

The best marketers don’t know more about the latest trick, tactic, tool or channel. They know more about... people. They understand how people think and make decisions. Knowing more about people works today, next month, next year and in 10years. and that's what your...

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Value is about the other person, not about you.

Value is about the other person, not about you.

Value is about the other person, not about you. One of the simplest changes you can do is to reframe the value which your product is giving. “Here’s what our product can do” And “Here’s what you can do with our product” Both sound similar But are completely different...

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