Product Strategy Document

Matthew Zammit

Jan 17, 2023

A Product Strategy Document is one of my personal favourite shortcuts for clarity and alignment.
It helps me organize my thoughts and set a plan.
It helps the team have a north star to work towards
And serves as visibility for the rest of the organization to have a discussion about the product.

My specific document keeps changing, but my current format includes these sections:

1. Mission: Your purpose. Why build this?

2. Vision: The story you tell. The world after you fulfil your mission. Where are we going?

3. Strategy: The plan to achieve your vision. The main pillars to get you there.

4. Roadmap: The big buckets required to work on the Strategy and execute the vision. What needs to be built?

5. Execution: What’s being delivered? What’s slowing us down?

6. Goals: What to measure. How would you know that you were right?

I like to have a Strategy document available to be shared and I repeat parts of it at every opportunity I get… standups, company all-hands, updates etc.

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