Only say what’s important

Only say what’s important

Sometimes you’re too close to your product to see where you’re being too detailed or too vague… or just not clear! This Founder was trying to explain a complex product which has multiple levels and is targeted to a very niche audience… but was saying it all on...

Explain in a simpler way

If people cannot describe your product in a couple of words to their friends, it’s not going to work. Even super-niche products can be explained in a simpler way which shows clear value. No product is too complex to explain in a few words.

There is no product that everyone wants

“There is no product that everyone wants. You can either spend all of your time trying to get the last person to like you, or you say ‘I’m sorry it’s not for you, I’ll go talk to these guys instead’” – Seth Godin Be specific about your product marketing. Not everyone...

Marketing is about 2 things

Marketing is about 2 things: 1. Psychology; 2. Copywriting; It’s about how people think to make a decision; and how to write in a way that you’re clear and trusted with their attention. The more I study marketing the more this gets...