How to handle an unlucky brand name

How to handle an unlucky brand name

This is a great example from Wix of how to handle an unlucky brand name choice which ended up sounding like a pandemic. It's magnificent how they made fun of the whole thing, accepted it and actually used it to their marketing advantage when renaming.

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There is no product that everyone wants

“There is no product that everyone wants. You can either spend all of your time trying to get the last person to like you, or you say ‘I’m sorry it’s not for you, I’ll go talk to these guys instead’” – Seth Godin Be specific about your product marketing. Not everyone...

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Marketing is about 2 things

Marketing is about 2 things: 1. Psychology; 2. Copywriting; It's about how people think to make a decision; and how to write in a way that you're clear and trusted with their attention. The more I study marketing the more this gets obvious.

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Get a free consultation

Sometimes you're too close to your product to see where you're being too vague... or too technical... or just not clear. That's when you need someone to show you how you can be clearer and see new opportunities for growth. If this sounds like you, I've just opened my...

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Proper grammar

By now you might have noticed that I’m not a big fan of proper grammar, sentence structure and big words. That’s because I deliberately write as I talk. And I try to write everything in this way. ... that’s why you’ll never get an email from me starting with “Dear...

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Sell the outcomes

Sell the outcomes

Don’t sell products. Sell the outcomes. This is how Dropbox changed their messaging... ❌ in 2010 speaking about The Product: "Sync your files online and across computers". ✅ in 2020 speaking about The Outcome: "Focus on the work that matters... bring all...

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Time to talk to customers

What are your happiest customers saying about you? Discover that and go do more of it. Sounds obvious but it’s surprising how many teams ignore this by never investing time to talk to customers.

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Answer these 3 questions on your landing page

Your landing page needs to answer 3 basic questions: 1. What do you offer? 👉 Explain the value you provide; 2. Why should I care? 👉 Explain how this creates value for them; 3. How do I buy it? 👉 Make taking the next steps easy; Answer these 3...

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Understanding 5G

Understanding 5G

What are your customers saying about you?Discover that and then use it to describe your products.I love what Ryan Reynolds is doing with Mint Mobile.Customers say that it's complex and they don't understand it... so just acknowledge it 🙌There is (probably) a...

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What’s in it for me?

Every time you communicate with a potential customer they're asking the same question: "What's in it for me?" If you don't answer, they won't buy.

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Starbucks’ positioning

Starbucks’ positioning

“We are not in the coffee business serving people, We are in the people business serving coffee.” said Howard Schultz, Founder of Starbucks ☕️ Both sound similar but are completely different approaches to Starbucks' positioning. People could get coffee...

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“they’re telling other people to buy from us”

“they’re telling other people to buy from us”

From“they don’t know we exist”to“they’re telling other people to buy from us” That’s the journey you have to go through for growth. And the first challenge is to see where you’re currently at and what to focus on to get the most benefit. Focusing on Activation when...

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It’s obvious in your head but you’re not saying it

What’s your customer’s view on the problem you solve? What alternative are they using to solve this? Why are you different? And why is that meaningful? These are some of the questions we try to answer when looking at your product and homepage. Sometimes you are way...

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Value is about the other person, not about you.

Value is about the other person, not about you.

Value is about the other person, not about you. One of the simplest changes you can do is to reframe the value which your product is giving. “Here’s what our product can do” And “Here’s what you can do with our product” Both sound similar But are completely different...

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Sony advert – 1983

Sony advert – 1983

Brilliant ad from 1983! Love the comparison! The Walkman-listening person can’t even start to imagine the volume of choices we have today. Clear messaging was important in 1983 when there were only a few choices; we are doomed without it today.

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We always write about that bigger business goal

What’s your business goal? Your North Star? What are you trying to achieve? Everything you write should be aligned to that larger business goal. Every blog post, Every video, Every website header, Every landing page... Ask yourself “what goal is this serving?” This...

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Simplicity = Money

We don’t always buy the BEST products. We buy the products that can be understood the FASTEST. Simplicity = Money

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